Total number of attendees checked in: 678
NRO/RIR Reports
The final day of RIPE 70 began with an update on the Regional Internet Registries, the Number Resource Organization’s activities, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and a report on ICANN accountability.
Highlights from the RIR updates include:
- ARIN’s announcement that the RIR now has .19 of a /8 of IPv4 left outside of the reserve pool
- AFRINIC’s development of a new Whois database, the creation of two new departments, and upcoming board elections
- LACNIC’s prediction that their IPv4 space will be exhausted by February 2016
The NRO update highlighted the fact that LACNIC and the RIPE NCC are now allocating the most IPv6 address space of all the RIRs.
Athina Fragkouli gave an update on the CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability and noted that the group is waiting for comments on the draft proposal, which has now been published.
Closing Plenary

RIPE Chair Hans Petter Holen thanks RIPE Programme Committee Chair Filiz Yilmaz during the closing plenary
The final meeting session started with the announcement of the RIPE Programme Committee election results. Congratulations to Shane Kerr and Benno Overeinder, who were re-elected to the committee. Filiz Yilmaz announced that she would be stepping down as RIPE Programme Committee Chair after RIPE 71.
Sander Steffann presented interesting results about IPv6 deployment in Saudi Arabia during a lightning talk, and Menno Schepers gave the RIPE 70 technical report, which showed an interesting spike in connectivity during a special off-agenda social event.
RIPE Chair Hans Petter Holen gave the closing remarks and announced that there were 678 attendees during the week, making RIPE 70 the largest RIPE Meeting to date. This included 200 first-time attendees.
The meeting concluded with an invitation to attend RIPE 71, which takes place 16-20 November 2015 in Bucharest, Romania.